European legal professionals

Area of practice

Studio Legale Lippes offers straightforward and reliable legal aid and advice  ‎in a wide range of sectors, taking into account not only the Italian legal system but as well the European legal context.
The Firm is particularly attentive  to anti discrimination law and immigration rights, areas of law that have always been of particular interest to its founder Avv. Annemieke M.G Lippes (click on the areas of practice for more details).


Today’s cross-border commercial exchanges makes the need for transnational legal assistance an absolute priority for companies and individuals alike. However, differences in procedures and legal systems, as well as legal language specificities might hamper the smooth implementation of international contracts and effective debt collection. Studio Legale Lippes supports EU- and non-EU based companies by providing targeted services such as assistance in local and transnational civil litigation and debt recovering and include:

  • Italian payment injunction and relevant enforcement actions
  • European Payment Order procedure

Our team of qualified legal professionals will take care of every stage of the procedure from pre-trial case study and negotiations with counterparts to post-trial follow up.

Our extensive language skills allow us to charge no additional translation costs to our clients (except where certified translations of documents are prescribed by the law), thus increasing our services’ cost-effectiveness. Debt collection services are offered in Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.


Need to fine-tune your contract? Not sure how to do it in compliance with the Italian legislation? Any doubts on how your contract shall be interpreted or enforced? Are you claiming compensation for damages caused by any third party? Studio Legale Lippes supports its clients in contract drafting as well as in every aspect of contract implementation, including enforcement of relevant court orders. The Firm’s professionals ensure assistance in civil litigation, based on a careful and comprehensive preliminary study and the subsequent identification of the most suitable actions and remedies, with a view to ensure a timely, cost-effective dispute resolution. Our services include:

  • Pre-contractual and contractual assistance
  • Consumer rights protection
  • Civil liability and torts
  • Vehicle insurance-related claims
  • Medical malpractice

We offer our services in Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.


In a constantly changing labour market, employment- and social security-related claims need to be managed by skilled professionals capable of addressing the multiple implications of a fast-paced legal framework in a timely and consistent manner. By taking care of litigation, out-of-court dispute settlement and complementary administrative procedures before social security institutions, Studio Legale Lippes ensures a comprehensive approach to work-related controversies and offers support in the following:

  • Public and private employment-related claims
  • Unfair redundancy and dismissal claims
  • Unemployment benefit (NASPI) request and procedure
  • Maternity leave and allowance
  • Out-of-court labour dispute resolution before the local committee of the National Labour Inspectorate (Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro)

Our multilingual team of qualified professionals provides assistance in Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.


Although the EU legal framework regulates inheritance under several perspectives, national inheritance procedures might be difficult to manage, as each country still has its own rules and generally envisage specific obligations. In addition to offering support in inheritance-related mediation and litigation, Studio Legale Lippes provides assistance in carrying out administrative inheritance procedures before the Italian agencies and authorities, including Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency), Public Registry of Vehicles, banks, etc., as well as before peer administrative authorities located in other EU Member States.

Our language skills ensure direct communications with the relevant offices and allow us to charge no additional translation costs to our clients (except where the law prescribes certified translations of documents). Our services include:

  • Assistance in national and transnational inheritance litigation and administrative procedures
  • European Certificate of Succession
  • Inheritance procedure before the Italian Revenue Agency (dichiarazione di successione for the Italian Agenzia delle Entrate), banks and other relevant public registries
  • Will contest
  • Inventory
  • Division of property

Our services are offered in Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.


As familial relationships evolve, the relevant legal framework is also experiencing adjustments and reforms that offer unprecedented solutions and instruments to previously unknown problems and situations. Legal professionals are called to move forward in this field, without disregarding its foundations. Studio Legale Lippes assists its clients in a wide range of proceedings, ranging from litigation to non-contentious jurisdiction and including the following:

  • National/transnational separation and divorce
  • Fast-track separation and divorce before the Municipality (“separazione/divorzio breve”)
  • Parental rights and responsibility (custody and alimony)
  • Acknowledgment of paternity
  • Guardianship (amministrazione di sostegno)
  • LGBT rights

The Firm’s professionals provide assistance in Italian, English, Dutch, Spanish, French and Turkish and do not charge any additional translation costs (except when certified translations of relevant documents are required by the law).


Studio Legale Lippes provides comprehensive assistance in immigration law-related administrative procedures before Italian authorities. Counting on their language skills and extensive experience in the field, the Firm’s professionals do not charge any additional costs for translations of relevant documents (except when certified translations are required by the law) and offer support and follow-up in procedures relating to:

  • Issue and renewal of the Italian residency permit (permesso di soggiorno)
  • Italian citizenship procedures

Immigration law-related services are offered in Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.


In addition to consultancy and assistance in civil litigation and in out-of-court dispute settlement in the above-mentioned fields and matters, Studio Legale Lippes offers complementary services, such as:

  • Assistance in mediation procedures
  • Certified legal translation from and into Italian, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.
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